“Young & Handsome” hit makers Migos officially dropped their mixtape Rich Nigga Timeline a couple of days ago, which is available for download over at Live Mixtapes.
So if you haven’t heard it yet, take a listen below.
[iframe width=”400″ height=”460″ src=”http://www.livemixtapes.com/embed.php?album_id=30538″ border=”0″ frameborder=”0″ style=”border: 0″ scrolling=”no” seamless=”seamless”]
Catrise J is the owner of Vault of 1520 and Content Creator for Dirty Glove Bastard (DGB). Catrise is a self described “free-spirit” and always shares what’s on her mind. She enjoys Hip Hop, nature, reading, 420 and 90’s R&B. Her idols include Angie Martinez, Tupac, Oprah, and Warren Buffet. You can connect with Catrise on social media.