Photo Credit: Kendrick Lamar photographed on Dec. 3, 2014 at Smashbox Studios in Culver City, Ca. Ramona Rosales
Kendrick Lamar is the latest to cover Billboard magazine this week and in this week’s issue he gave a very intriguing interview with Gavin Rosales. Here a few snippets:
On being mistreated by police:
Asked about the high-profile killings of African-Americans by police in 2014, from Ferguson, Mo., to Staten Island, he says, “I wish somebody would look in our neighborhood knowing that it’s already a situation, mentally, where it’s f—ked up. What happened to [Michael Brown] should’ve never happened. Never. But when we don’t have respect for ourselves, how do we expect them to respect us? It starts from within. Don’t start with just a rally, don’t start from looting — it starts from within.” Lamar, who has said that he wasn’t raised devoutly religious, fingers the small figure of Christ dangling from a chain around his neck. “We’re in the last days, man — I truly in my heart believe that. It’s written. I could go on with Biblical situations and things my grandma told me. But it’s about being at peace with myself and making good with the people around me.”
On growing up:
“2Pac had just passed,” recalls Lamar. “My uncle was in jail, and we was in a hotel. My moms never owned a house until I was able to afford it for her.” (Lamar recently bought a four-bedroom home in Eastvale, an hour east of L.A., as a gift for a family member, although he won’t specify whom.)
On why he stopped smoking and drinking as a teen:
“Teenagers don’t get it — we selfish. Go drink, go smoke, go get f—ed up,” he remembers. “Why did I do these things? Because I was brought up around it? It damn sure was in the household. I said, ‘I know what happens to my family and certain friends when they get drunk and they smoke. They get out of their minds, they get violent. And that’s in my blood.’ I have little sips on special occasions, but getting all the way out of my mind may not be a good idea.” Those insights inspired his first hit (No. 17 on the Hot 100), the harrowing “Swimming Pool (Drank)”: “You’re like me, making excuse that your relief/Is in the bottom of the bottle and the greenest indo leaf.”
On Iggy Azalea:
“She’s doing her thing,” he says. “Let her. People have to go through trials and tribulations to get where they at. Do your thing, continue to rock it, because obviously God wants you here.”
Lamar caught a lot of flack on Twitter today regarding to his feelings about Ferguson. In particular when he says that black people don’t respect themselves so why would we expect anyone else to respect us. It’s not like Martin Luther King Jr. was a respectable man or anything. The government only shot him because he was the single most influential “negro” in America in his time (via Edgar Hoover). Azealia Banks definitely took the time to voice her opinion of course.
HOW DARE YOU open ur face to a white publication and tell them that we don't respect ourselves…. Speak for your fucking self.
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
I really pray for the minds of the urban youth, I really do because I was once on the side of feeling like I wasn't owed anything…
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
There are still young black kids in our public schools being indoctrinated with the same shit they pumped into my head.
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
All in all, we as a community have to forget everything we were taught and learn our history and why it was hidden from us. I do agree everything starts with self, however Kendrick got it wrong this time. We aren’t “respected” and we are killed by the people who are supposed to protect us for an even deeper reason. When we all find out someone please let me know.
Billboard‘s magazine with Kendrick Lamar is on stands now or you can read the interview in it’s entirety online.
Catrise J is the owner of Vault of 1520 and Content Creator for Dirty Glove Bastard (DGB). Catrise is a self described “free-spirit” and always shares what’s on her mind. She enjoys Hip Hop, nature, reading, 420 and 90’s R&B. Her idols include Angie Martinez, Tupac, Oprah, and Warren Buffet. You can connect with Catrise on social media.