Look Out! It’s a Tidal wave! After Jay Z recently acquired Scandinavian streaming service from Aspiro, Tidal, for a reported, $56 million, the music mogul will be relaunching the revamped streaming service this evening at 5 PM EST. Last night, a bunch of artists like Madonna, Kanye West, Beyonce and Rihanna changed their social network avatars to a bright turquoise blue in support of the new service in which gives more power and money in the hands of the artists compared to Spotify which only pays artists pennies on the dollar.
Jay Z will be doing a live stream on the Tidal‘s website announcing the service with hopefully more information about it’s benefits. Here’s what we already know about Tidal:
- It comes with two price points: $19.99 and $9.99. What’s the difference? $19.99 gets you lossless sound and $9.99 get’s you a lower quality sound.
- They offer a 30 day trial like most services.
- The service also has music videos bringing both music and visuals together in one space.
- There’s no desktop app…as of yet. Hopefully, this changes.
- It allegedly will have the exclusives to music, videos, interviews and will be very interactive.
- Taylor Swift added her catalog, which is a big deal considering she was against similar streaming service Spotify. Probably because they low ball the artist.
Watch the short #TIDALforALL advert below.
Catrise J is the owner of Vault of 1520 and Content Creator for Dirty Glove Bastard (DGB). Catrise is a self described “free-spirit” and always shares what’s on her mind. She enjoys Hip Hop, nature, reading, 420 and 90’s R&B. Her idols include Angie Martinez, Tupac, Oprah, and Warren Buffet. You can connect with Catrise on social media.