Dirty South Rydaz, better known as DSR, are making a comeback and are living out their “Dreamz” on the latest leak from their upcoming album.
Big Tuck, Tum Tum, Fat Bastard, Double T, Lil’ Ronnie and Addiction are making it happen with “Dreamz.” I know many are happy to get new music from the Dallas-based group since Texas grew up listening to DSR in high school and middle school. Stay tuned for more.
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0Catrise J is the owner of Vault of 1520 and Content Creator for Dirty Glove Bastard (DGB). Catrise is a self described “free-spirit” and always shares what’s on her mind. She enjoys Hip Hop, nature, reading, 420 and 90’s R&B. Her idols include Angie Martinez, Tupac, Oprah, and Warren Buffet. You can connect with Catrise on social media.